Become a Steward

Every workplace needs someone who's looking out for workers' rights, but did you know that many HGEA sites don't have a steward?

That's where you come in.

As a steward you're on the front lines, helping in HGEA's fight to protect our members’ rights and bring fair and decent treatment to the workplace. In your role as a steward, you're the leader, organizer, representative, and problem solver that your colleagues deserve.

If your work site needs a voice, why not you? For more information, contact the HGEA Member Service Center at (808) 543-0000 or email



Charles Among Jr.Unit 14

“Become a steward to get involved in the day-to-day workings of your worksite and facilitate a productive relationship between the employer and the union.”

Sam GaineyUnit 14

“Become a steward to help your fellow public employees and learn more about what the union does to fight for them.”

Virginia IshitaniUnit 3

“Being a steward gives me an opportunity to learn about the direction of the union and keep members at my worksite informed about how HGEA is fighting for them. I think of us like the eyes and ears of the union.”

Kat Moratin, Unit 13

“As a steward, I keep members informed about the union and help protect my fellow colleagues and members. Being part of a union is about solidarity and standing with other members, and being a steward is how I contribute to that.”

Suzy OkinoUnit 3

“I do it because I think it’s important to have an advocate at my work site. As a steward, my coworkers know they can turn to me when they have questions about the union or need the union’s help.” 

Vernon VerzonUnit 3

“I’ve been doing this for 16 years. The most valuable part is standing with other members and assuring them that the union will be there through the good and the bad. You should think about it if your worksite doesn’t have one yet. Every worksite needs an advocate.”